Meet a few of the Successful Teams Coached & Trained by ARES, Inc.

Our agents are leaders seen in RealTrends Top 500, The Wall Street Journal, INMAN News, Luxury Institute,
Real Producers, Who's Who in Luxury and NAR Housing Champion Award Winners.

Who you hire matters. If you’re hiring a personal trainer, they’d better be able to do more sit-ups than you, right? Business coaches are springing up all over the place that have NEVER SOLD ANYTHING and DON’T KNOW YOUR AREA FOR STRATEGIC POSITIONING! We’ll never ask you do something we haven’t done ourselves at the highest level, in your area. That’s the ARES difference.


Number of Agents
We've Coached to Success


Average Increase
In ARES Client Production Annually


Number of Agents
We've Trained

Coached the last 3 year’s winners of

Realtor of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year and Board Leadership Entrepreneurs!

david wood

On track for $60 million in revenue

“As an entrepreneur and investor, ARES is the reason my business was profitable within the first year. They built me a team that’s on track for $60 million in revenue this year.”


Carmen Badan

It's the real deal

“ARES coaching & training should be at the core of every sales professional and broker. It’s the real deal.”


Ginny picture

…greatest coach/mentor that I have had

"You have—by far—been the biggest influence, cheerleader, greatest coach, and mentor that I have had in my real estate career. I believe in you and want others to experience YOU too."


dennis warson

Strategic market positioning help is critical

“After 11 years on Wall Street, I thought I knew selling. ARES' skill level is outrageous and their strategic market positioning help is critical in this competitive Real Estate industry.”
